Snacks News

News: Superbowl Snackin' with Snoop
For some reason, hip hop x cooking is a familiar equation in the world of HowTo. Today's "tutorial" comes in the form of a blatant Pepsi advert with Snoop Dogg as culinary host. Sure, the Super Bowl is mere hours away, but not to worry, Snoop doesn't demand much artistry or time for whipping up his "oregano" spiked snack of choice. Just dump a bunch of pre-made condiments on a bowl of chips, and voilà, Snoop's (re: Pepsi's) eight-layer dip. Previously, Eeeverybody Love Fried Chicken, So Liste...

News: Greasy, Salty McDonald's French Fry Skull
A DIY most worthy of the archives: a magnificent skull constructed entirely of Mickey D's fries. Now if only it weren't just some anonymous web image, but a real DIY project complete with instructions. Anyone wanna step up to the plate?

From the Mississippi Delta: Koolickles (AKA Kool-Aid Pickles)
For all pickle aficionados, apparently the combination of sour pickles and sweet Kool-Aid is surprisingly delectable. Popular in Mississippi, Kool-Aid drenched pickles are a popular treat coined Koolickles. Sound unappetizing? Don't knock it 'til you try it. The New York Times reports, "[Koolickles] have an arresting color that combines green and garnet, and a bracing sour-sweet taste that they owe to a long marinade in cherry or tropical fruit or strawberry Kool-Aid."

News: The Cheap Man's DIY Microwaveable Popcorn
Sure, store bought microwave popcorn is cheap. But according to Hoopajoo Labs, you can get 50 bags of popping corn out of a $0.99 bag of kernels! Watch the video below or click through for the Instructable.

News: DIY Edible Crayons
From our friends over at Luxirare, edible crayons, aka "health bars". Beautiful photography, as always. Click through for some tips on trying-it-yourself.

News: Ew, Centipede-on-a-Stick
Around the world, creepy crawlers make a tasty snack. Here's a sampling of international insect-fare.

News: DIY Super Fancy Potato Chips
Luxirare, my very favorite, over-the-top, superfluous (in the best possible sense) recipe blog. We've witnessed the Pie-On-a-Stick, and marveled the beautiful Jell-O shots. Now Luxirare demonstrates how to make some exceedingly fancy potato chips. These aren't your typical store bought snacks.

News: Hack a popcorn popper from a soda can
This is a wonderfully simple method of kernel popping. Our pal Loup226 came up with this Coke can mod. It's a perfect anti-kitchen appliance. Pop corn anywhere there's flame: candle-top, campfire or car engine!