Trix are for kids, but Fruit Loops are for everyone? Don't you ever think you're too old to nom on the pure sugar heaven that is Fruit Loops! While we are totally for grabbing handfuls out of the box and stuffing it in your face, there are other ways you can make use of this colorful "tropical" treat.
In this video, we learn how to make spinach toast with leftover cream spinach. First, you will need to take small pieces of bread that you have leftover, as well as some cream cheese, parmesan cheese, and spinach (already cooked). Mix the spinach, cream cheese, and parmesan cheese together and add in some salt to taste. After this, spoon the mixture onto the individual pieces of bread and place into the oven. Let cook on a high temperature until the top and sides of the toast are light brown....
To make chocolate chip cookies you will need flour, baking soda, salt, butter, white sugar, brown sugar, vanilla extract, eggs, chocolate chips, a small and large mixing bowl, a measuring cup, a stirring spoon, a baking sheet pan, and an oven. First, preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Put 1 1/8 cups of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a small bowl. In a large bowl put one stick of softened butter, 3/8 cup of white sugar, 3/8 cup of brown sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make toasted rice cereal puppy chow. You will need: 9 c toasted rice cereal, a spoon, powdered sugar, 2 caps of vanilla extract, 1/2 stick butter, 1/2 c peanut butter, 1 c chocolate chips, and three bags. First, pour your cereal into a large bowl and then combine chocolate chips, peanut butter, and butter in bowl. Then, microwave the mixture for a couple minutes until it's melted, stirring every few seconds. After it's melted, pour into your bowl of cereal and...
The biggest thing that scares us when we're out to make something from a recipe is, well, the recipe. Usually you can't get away with anything less than ten items on the ingredients list, all of which we have to scour for in our pantry or purchase at the store.
During the holidays, nothing beats the satisfying taste of Brie cheese encrusted in puff pastry. Holiday Kitchen shows you how it's done with this Brie en Croûte recipe that's a must-serve appetizing classic any time of year. To spice up the classic French treat, they've added cranberries, apricots and almonds, dressing it up especially for the holidays
Nothing beats an appetizer packed with healthy spinach and delightful cheeses. It's the perfect party snack, and in this video, you'll learn the recipe for Spinach & Cheese Swirls from Holiday Kitchen. These spinach and cheese appetizers are made with puff pastry, and look so good, your friends will think you're hiding the caterer!
If Brie is your favorite kind of cheese— soft, mild and creamy, yet firm— then you have to try this appetizer recipe! It's called Candied Walnut-Brie Pockets, and it's great for snacking, parties and more! Any cheese lover won't be able to resist these "Brie en croûte" style treats, a French cuisine term which translates as "Brie in a crust". But these isn't just merely crusted Brie— the tempting taste of the candied walnuts adds perfection to this recipe from Holiday Kitchen.
Looking for the new hit appetizer for your party? You may have just found it. This recipe from Holiday Kitchen is for Puff Pockets with smoked Gouda, apples and chives inside. It's easy to prepare, plus the combination of these unique flavors makes for a super special treat for all of your guests, paired perfectly with a glass of wine.
Add a healthy twist to your puff pastries and make an elegant appetizer perfect for any party. It's not quite a dessert, but it still taste like one, with cherry tomatoes being the key ingredient. This recipe from Holiday Kitchen will show you how to make these wonderful little Tomato Jewels, a yummy and appetizing little gem.
Despite what this cookie's name may imply, these monster cookies are not in any way related to monsters or to Halloween. Rather, the term "monster cookies" comes from the simple fact that these doughy goodies contain everything you could possibly imagine a cookie to have.
Sure, store bought microwave popcorn is cheap. But according to Hoopajoo Labs, you can get 50 bags of popping corn out of a $0.99 bag of kernels! Watch the video below or click through for the Instructable.
When you think about french fries, you probably start picturing greasy strips of potatoes, deep fried and crispy to perfection. But who ever said french fries had to be made out of potatoes?
No self-respecting Halloween celebration would be complete without a fair share of caramel apples and witch-themed goodies for kids and adults alike to nom on.
In this video, we learn how to make vegan raw flax chips and pico dip. To start, you will cook flax seeds in a pan, then cut them into pieces that are similar to the shape of tortilla chips. After this, place the chips into a dehydrator and salt them. After they are dehydrated, they will be hard and taste delicious. You can add in spices to these chips when you cook them if you wish. After this, make pico de gallo for the chips by mixing together avocado, chilies, limes, tomatoes, and onions....
In this video, we learn how to make vegetarian Oriental Shumai. You will need: 1/2 c onion, 1.5 c chopped Napa cabbage, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1/4 c grated carrot, sesame oil, 1/4 c chopped green onion, 2 tsp grated ginger, 1/4 c chopped water chestnuts, 3/4 c bulgur wheat, 2 tbsp cilantro, 1 1/4 c water, 1 tbsp hoisin sauce, 1/2 c teriyaki marinade, and wonton wrappers. First, sautŽ the onion and garlic with 1 tbsp sesame oil until tender, then add in ginger and sautŽ for 1 min. Next, add in...
A quick and easy hors de ouevre made by wrapping a piece of thinly sliced prosciutto around a piece of gorgonzola cheese, fresh arugula, currants and pine nuts. Then toast briefly in a toaster oven (making sure it doesn't burn!) and then serve at your next party or gathering.
You don't have to be a professional pastry chef to come up with sweet and chocolatey creations that all you friends will love! Check out this food video to learn how to make ice cream lollipops dipped in chocolate. You can then coat the chocolate with sprinkles, nuts, or whatever topping you'd like.
You can cook a skillet of toasted pecans to add a tasty crunch for salads and desserts. Toast pecans with a little butter and sugar in your oven. You can even eat them as a tasty snack! This recipe can be made in your oven, on the stove top or even a microwave!
Bento is a delicious way to bring a nutritious and artistic lunch on the go. Put together a traditional Japanese lunch box (bentobox) using fun foods. Construct cute foods, like rice bunnies and flower garnishes from cucumbers and tomatoes.
A seafood wrap is the best way to eat lunch! And Woman's Day Magazine tells you just how to make this simple seafood salad sandwich. It only takes three ingredients, which include flour wraps, lettuce leaves and a pound of deli-style seafood salad. That's it. Just wrap up the lettuce and seafood salad in the flour tortillas and serve!
Whether you're making pumpkin pie or carving jack-o'-lanterns during Halloween, make sure you save those pumpkin seeds, because they're a great source of fiber and can be a tasty snack. The best thing about baking pumpkin seeds is that you can get really creative with the flavor. In this video recipe, you'll learn how to make a spicy chipotle chili pepper, garlic powder and Worcestershire sauce flavored batch of roasted pumpkin seeds.
If you're a fan of Sicilian foods, you might also like these chickpea fritters. They're crispy golden triangles of fried chickpea dough. Yum! These crispy chickpea fritters, known as panel, are crunchy and salty Sicilian street treats. And it only takes a few ingredients! This is great for a savory appetizer or a quick dazzle-your-friends snack.
Fries are such a killer food. They're beloved as the favorite "vegetable" of kids and adults everywhere, yet they are one of the absolute worst foods you can eat if you want to, you know, live past 40, containing high levels of saturated and trans fats that clog your arteries and lead to lots of gnarly diseases.
In this video, we learn how to make "cheezy quackers" crackers. To make these you will need: 1/4 non dairy butter, 1/4 c water, 1 tsp fine sea salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/3 c nutritional yeast, and 1 c flour. First, combing the salt, pepper, yeast, and flour together in a large bowl, then combine with butter in a mixer until it becomes coarse. Add in water and mix until a dough forms. Roll this out, then place on two cookie sheets and bake in the oven at 350 degrees after you have cut in...
You know how people always get frustrated when they open up a Valentine's Day chocolate gift box to find no labeling device for the chocolates there, forcing them to taste test each one to see if they like 'em? Recreate this frustration and relish in the schadenfreude by baking these melt in your mouth chocolate bars, each one filled with something different, from caramel and peanuts to almonds and more chocolate.
Is it tea time once again? We're sure you and your guests adore your cucumber and mayo tea sandwiches and your onion-marinated mushrooms, but how about spicing things up once in a while? While you don't usually imagine Moroccan cookies when you think about high English tea, these Moroccan cookies may just be the perfect compliment to a fresh kettle of Earl Gray.
We don't know about you, but we're getting a little tired of baking the same old sugar cookies and fudge brownies over and over again. So we were really excited to find this recipe for baking a traditional Moroccan treat that's been around for centuries.
Granola bars taste better when you make them right in your own kitchen. And this is the perfect recipe for you to try out. They're jam-packed full of seeds, nuts and carrots, and they're made with all natural ingredients, and are very healthy and easy to make!
Try making your own granola bars instead of buying them at the grocery store. You could just surprises yourself. They may taste better. Start out by trying this recipe for peanut butter and banana nut granola bars. They're made of all natural and healthy ingredients, plus they're a cinch to whip up!
This is a dangerous recipe for anyone who's a serious connoisseur of chocolate. Those who love chocolate (chocoholics, if you will) dig just about anything and everything coated with cacao plant treat, but this recipe for chocolate peanut rocks coated with coconut flakes will just about burst your taste buds and get you eating them nonstop.
Snowballs are usually associated with the winter holidays and Christmas (who could forget the most famous snowball of all time, Frosty?). But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy their plump, cute round shape the rest of the year?
Have you ever wondered what it would taste and feel like to take a bit fat bite out of a supersized Twix bar? No, we're not talking about the King Size Twix bars you can get at Target. We're talking a goddamn cake-sized Twix bar.
Don't worry, no hedgehogs were harmed in the making of this video (at least none that we know of). And you won't have to sacrifice any hedgehogs either in order to make this mouthwatering orgasm on your tongue. Hedgehog slices are like brownies at the Olympic level. Chocolate chips and chocolate dough? Pssh, we're talking sumptuous dark chocolate, peanuts, saltanas, cookies, and more butter than even Paula Deen would use.
There isn't a kid out there who doesn't enjoy gobbling up sugar cookies - unless he/she is allergic to gluten, that is. Gluten is a wheat product that some kids and adults have adverse reactions to, but the ingredient is included in many baked goods, from cupcakes to bread.
French fries, as we all know by now, are not the best foods to be eating to, well, stay alive. They're greasy, artery-clogging, and oh so delicious. So we can see why giving them up can be an ordeal. But guess what? You can still eat healthy while not silently killing yourself by using sweet potatoes rather than potatoes to make your fries.
If you love granola bars, you have to try out this quick recipe for an awesome honey almonds granola. You can shape them into bars if you want, eat it with milk (like cereal), or even eat it with yogurt. You can do practically anything with this tasty granola mixture.
Okay, so just as a safety precaution before you dive right in and make yourself a batch of cotton candy at home, remember that melting sugar and corn syrup requires very high temperatures, so you could get burned if you're not careful. Make sure you keep a bowl of cool water next to you at all times just in case any of the hot stuff gets on your skin.
This recipe by chef Mark Bittman is an all-around crowd pleaser: it's easy to make, rich tasting, and can be made in abundance just in case a gaggle of friends comes over unexpectedly and you have to entertain.
In this tutorial, we learn how to make Filipino turon. Ingredients you will need include: A bag of whole steamed Saba bananas, spring roll pastry, and brown sugar. First, take your bananas and cover them completely with brown sugar and place onto a plate. After this, roll the banana into the spring roll tightly so nothing falls out. Place water on the outer edge of the spring roll before finishing, to make it stick together. Repeat this step for all of the bananas, then fry them in a skillet...
It's nearly impossible to survive Halloween without gorging yourself out on hordes of cavity-inducing candy, chocolate, cake, and other sweets. That being said, your little kid is probably getting enough sugar from trick-or-treating and school parties as it is, so keep him from a grim dentist's visit by adding some healthy treats to the mix.
Eating healthy does not mean crunching on cardboard 24/7, even if that's what your kids think. While it's always easy to reach for a neat package of Cheetos and toss that into your kid's lunchbox for school, doing so means you're giving them a hefy serving of artificial coloring (some of which has been linked to cancer), artificial flavoring, and high fructose corn syrup.
Nutritionists recommend the "five a day" rule when it comes to eating right; specifically, getting five servings a day of fruits and vegetables. And while we'd never complain about crunching down on more succulent fruits like mangos and bananas, less palatable foods like celery could use a little extra kick in the flavor department.
In this video, Betty demonstrates how to make sweet and crunchy sesame seed brittle. This is hard candy, packed with sesame seeds. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the process in about nine minutes. The full recipe follows below.
Had enough of microwavable popcorn? Make your own! It's easier than you'd think. So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the process in about three minutes. For more information, including the full recipe, and to get started making your own homemade popcorn, watch this video guide.
Interested in making your very own granola? With the right ingredients and proper technique, it's easier than you'd think. So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the cooking process in about seven minutes. For more information, including the full recipe, and to get started making your own granola from scratch, watch this culinary guide.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to fold won-ton. There are 3 basic won ton shapes: the triangle, flower bud and nurse cap. For the triangle shape, simply fold it diagonally in half to create a triangle and seal the edges. For the flower bud, begin with a triangle fold. Then fold up the spine and bring the 2 edges together. For the nurse cap, fold it horizontally to create a rectangular shape. Then bring the 2 corners together, similar to the flower bud. This video will benefit those...
In this video, we learn how to make homemade macaroni and cheese. First, bring a big pot of water to a boil and cook 3 cup of macaroni for 8 minutes. While the noodles are cooking, add in 1/2 cup butter into a saucepan and melt. Now, whisk in 1/2 cup flour, 2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, and 1/2 tsp of dried mustard. Cook this for one minute, until the raw flour is cooked out. Keep whisking constantly and when finished gradually add in 4 cup of milk. You can use whatever milk you prefer, and keep...
Jennifer DiDonato shows us how to make cranberry almond granola bars in this tutorial. First, grab 3 egg whites and mix it together with 1/4 cup no-sugar added applesauce. Next, add in 1/4 cup honey, 1/8 cup skim milk, and 1 tsp vanilla extract and blend together. Now, in a separate bowl combine 3/4 cup protein powder, 3 cup oats, 1/4 cup Splenda, 1/2 cup sliced almonds, and 1/2 cup dried cranberries. Next, mix the wet ingredients in with the dry until the everything is well combined. After...
In order to prepare Homemade Yogurt, you will need the following ingredients: 3 mason jars, sugar or honey, vanilla extract, dehydrated milk, measuring cups, a large pot, a candy thermometer, a heating pad, plain yogurt, a spoon, a towel, and a cooler.
Add milk to pot. Sterilize your mason jars in the microwave. For every cup of milk, add 1/3 of a cup of milk and 1/2 cup dehydrated milk. Heat the milk to 160 degrees. Stir it constantly. When it reaches 150 degrees, add flavorings. When...
Homemade French fries! They are the best. You will need: russet potatoes, canola oil (good because it can get hot and not smoke}, cooking thermometer, deep fryer or a pan or skillet that will hold 3 to 4 inches of oil, knife, paper bags or paper towels, salt and pepper.
You can cut French fries any thickness you want. If you cut them thin, they absorb more oil, if you cut them thick, you don't get as much oil and this is good. Be consistent in cutting your fries, try to cut all the same...
In this episode of Show Me the Curry, learn how to make traditional Indian snack food, Sav. This recipe is for a hot and spicy sav but if you are not big on the spice you can adjust the ingredients to your liking. Enjoy this crispy treat as a satisfying mid-day snack anytime! Yum!
In this tutorial, learn how to make the ultimate late night snack. The next time it's 4 am and you can't sleep, consider this insane late night concoction. This "sandwich" is a roasted marshmallow between two double stuff Oreos, covered in chocolate syrup and sprinkled with coconut. It's probably best to eat this in the middle of the night so maybe you won't remember this calorie extravaganza in the morning. Enjoy!
In this clip, learn how to make a truly decadent snack that your kids will love. These chocolate butterscotch cereal bars are the way to go for a sweet, tasty breakfast. If you love peanut butter, chocolate or butterscotch (and who doesn't?) then you will love these snacks.
Finger foods. They're the best party snack, and the best snacks for children more worried about playing than eating. There's a lot of good ones you can make, like fruit kabobs, barbecue wieners, lunchmeat rolls, cheese balls, popcorn, and pesto dip. Make these six delicious recipes for your next party and you'll have your guests coming back for seconds!
In this edition of Working Class Foodies, learn how to make easy to carry, non-perishable, energy packed peanut butter oat bars for under 8 bucks. These snacks are great for camping, hiking or kid's lunch boxes and can also be a healthy breakfast. Enjoy!
Tamra is learning how to make Asian style won tons as a treat for her family and letting you follow along as she goes. Won tons are tasty little pockets similar to Italian tortellini that make great snacks or appetizers. Follow along and make these vegetarian versions of the popular treat. Enjoy!
There is nothing better with a plate of perfectly fried fish than a handful of absolutely divine crispy chips. In this tutorial, learn how to fry chips the right way so that they are the perfect size, taste and texture. These salty snacks will add to your meals and provide tons of finger licking snacks throughout the day. You really can not go wrong with this recipe. Yum!!